How To Wear A Newsboy Cap

If you’re not familiar with the name newsboy cap, you’ve probably seen people wearing them without even realizing it. You have also probably seen them worn in movies by — you guessed it — newspaper boys. However, while newspaper boys might be a thing of the past, the newsboy cap has made a comeback in a big way. And this time, it is a fashionable choice for boys and girls, as well as men and women.
Also known as the flat cap hat, scally cap, Irish cap, and even tweed cap, the newsboy cap is most recognizable for its short brim and 6-to-8 paneled body. The panels usually end at the peak of the hat, which can be topped with a button. The body of the hat is typically round with a slightly baggy appearance. However, there are many variations that fit closer to the head, have no button on top, and even feature a clasp for attaching the front of the hat to the top of the brim.
While the appearance can seem rather minimalist, the newsboy cap is by no means a simple hat. In fact, it offers a unique combination of modern fashion and old-school design, making it one of the hottest accessories of the 21st century. In any case, while many people are eager to get their own newsboy cap, they may not know exactly how to wear it.
There is no shame in being unfamiliar with the correct stylization of the newsboy cap, as it is a hat that has only recently come back onto the scene. In any case, there are a few important factors to consider when setting the correct position of your newsboy cap, whether you are a man or a woman. Most notably, you will want to factor in the length of your hair, the environment in which you are wearing the hat, as well as the time of day or night. We will go into greater detail about these factors below.
Wearing a Newsboy Cap For Men
Though boys and men have traditionally worn newsboy caps, it is now a unisex hat. Nonetheless, there are specific ways that men have worn the hat throughout its history, and these practices generally still hold true today. The standard position for a man’s newsboy cap is flat or perpendicular to the ground. The brim of the hat should be positioned snugly against the forehead, typically with about half an inch to an inch of space between the ear and the side of the hat. Sometimes, the newsboy cap is also worn at a decline, with the front brim resting lower on the forehead.
Now that you know the “standard” way to wear a newsboy cap for men, let’s look at some of the factors that can affect how you position your own hat:
Hair Length
The newsboy cap works best for men with shorter hair, particularly on the sides of the head. This is due to the fact that it is meant to be worn snugly against the scalp, and an excess of hair can make it more difficult to wear using the traditional positions. Fortunately, there are alternatives for men with medium-to-long hair.
If you have long hair and still want to wear the newsboy cap in the standard position, you can simply tie up your hair in a bun, which can be worn inside the body of the hat. You can also wear your hair down, but you may have to position the hat a little higher on your head or even consider getting a slightly larger size.
Next, you will want to think about the kind of environment in which you are wearing your newsboy cap. Is it casual or formal? Are you indoors or outdoors? Is it warm and sunny or cold and cloudy? Answering these questions can help you position your hat to match the environment around you.
For example, a formal event or situation would generally require you to wear your hat in the standard or default position described above. Alternatively, in a casual situation, you have more freedom to wear your hat at an incline or even at an angle. While you don’t have to worry as much about positioning when you are indoors, you do need to check the weather when you are outdoors. If it is warm and sunny, you may want to wear your hat at an incline to help keep your head cool. The brim of a newsboy cap is very short, so it will not provide much shade from the sun. However, if it is cold, cloudy, or even rainy, you will likely want to wear your hat at a fairly steep decline so that your face is better protected from the elements.
Night or Day
As we have discussed in previous articles, wearing a hat with a brim comes with its own complexities. If you are wearing your hat during the day, you may wish to wear the brim low over your face to provide some shade. However, as previously noted, the newsboy cap is not designed to provide much shade to your face and eyes. However, if it is nighttime, it is best to wear the hat straight or at a slight incline, as a declined hat can look suspicious.
Wearing a Newsboy Cap For Women
Fortunately, many of the same “rules” that apply to men who wear newsboy caps also apply to women. However, there are a few exceptions to consider:
Hair Length
Though women frequently have longer hair than men, this is not always the case. Either way, you will want to factor in the length and style of your hair when choosing a hat size and positioning your newsboy cap. Putting long hair up in a bun makes it easier to wear the hat close to the scalp, while wearing long hair down may require you to upsize your hat or wear it higher on your head.
It’s also important to note that women can wear their newsboy caps at a steeper decline to accommodate ponytails or similar hairstyles that may make it difficult to wear the hat at its standard position. It all depends on the length, volume, texture, and style of your hair. Generally, if your hair takes up a lot of space, you will find it harder to wear newsboy caps. Fortunately, women are not required to wear the newsboy cap tightly against their heads. Instead, you can place it gently on top of your head based on your personal tastes and the style of your hair.
Women have a bit more freedom in how they wear the newsboy cap based on the environment. While weather considerations are the same for both men and women, formality is not. Even on more formal occasions, it would not be out of place for you to wear your newsboy cap at an angle or a steep incline. You can pretty much choose whichever position is most comfortable for you!
Night or Day
Finally, women also have to take the time of day or night into consideration. Much like men, women have greater freedom to wear their hat at its standard position, angled, declined, or even inclined during the day. However, the declined position is discouraged at night for the same reasons mentioned above.
We hope you enjoyed this guide on how to wear a newsboy cap! If you’d like to shop for your own newsboy cap, look for another hat style, or even create your own custom fedora hat, be sure to check out Bellissimo Hats today!